Left Brain Right Brain.

left right brain functions facts amazing - fun picturesright left brain functions facts - fun pictures


Directions: This is a printable test to take yourself and give to your friends. Print out this page first. Get a blank sheet of lined paper. Every time you read a description or characteristic that applies to you, write down its number on the blank sheet of paper. There is no certain number of characteristics you must choose. After you are done, scroll to the bottom of the page to view the key. Next to every number on your paper, write whether it was a L or an R. Count up the number of L’s and R’s. Whichever number is higher represents your dominance. If the numbers are close, that means you use both sides of your brain equally.

  1. I constantly look at a clock or wear a watch
  2. I keep a journal or diary of my thoughts
  3. I believe there is a right and wrong way to do everything
  4. I find it hard to follow directions precisely
  5. The expression “Life is just a bowl of cherries” makes no sense to me
  6. I frequently change my plans and find that sticking to a schedule is boring
  7. I think it’s easier to draw a map than tell someone how to get somewhere
  8. To find a lost item, I try to picture it in my head where I last saw it
  9. I frequently let my emotions guide me
  10. I learn math with ease
  11. I’d read the directions before assembling something
  12. People tell me I am always late getting places
  13. People have told me that I’m psychic
  14. I need to set goals for myself to keep me on track
  15. When somebody asks me a question, I turn my head to the left
  16. If I have a tough decision to make, I write down the pros and the cons
  17. I’d probably make a good detective
  18. I learn music with ease
  19. To solve a problem, I think of similar problems I have solved in the past
  20. I use a lot of gestures
  21. If someone asks me a question, I turn my head to the right
  22. I believe there are two ways to look at almost everything
  23. I have the ability to tell if people are lying or guilty of something, just by looking at them
  24. I keep a “to do” list
  25. I am able to thoroughly explain my opinions in words
  26. In a debate, I am objective and look at he facts before forming an opinion
  27. I’ve considered becoming a poet, a politician, an architect, or a dancer
  28. I always lose track of time
  29. When trying to remember a name I forgot, I’d recite the alphabet until I remembered it
  30. I like to draw
  31. When I’m confused, I usually go with my gut instinct
  32. I have considered becoming a lawyer, journalist, or doctor

Print this test out and give it to your friends. Don’t forget to print out the key, so you can add up the number of R’s and L’s.

Knowing what side of your brain you are,will help you have an understanding of your self.

If your friends and colleagues also take the test,you will have a better understanding of them.

My business partner is Right brain and I am left brain

I am left brain orientated,What are you?

Here is the key:

  1. L
  2. L
  3. L
  4. R
  5. L
  6. R
  7. R
  8. L
  9. R
  10. L
  11. L
  12. R
  13. R
  14. L
  15. R
  16. L
  17. L
  18. R
  19. R
  20. R
  21. L
  22. R
  23. R
  24. L
  25. L
  26. L
  27. R
  28. R
  29. L
  30. R
  31. R
  32. L

Are you left brain or right?

Please submit your comments.

Tony Robbins on the Importance of Being Fearless


Tony Robbins on the Importance of Being Fearless

Image credit: oprah.com Fear. It’s an emotion everyone experiences. We feel it when we think we’re in the presence of or doing something that might cause us pain or injury — physically, financially, etc. It’s what secures us from dangerous things.

But sometimes fear can stop us from doing great things. For example, fear of failure or loss of money often holds people back from becoming an entrepreneur and starting a business.

Fear is one of the many topics acclaimed life and business coach, author and motivational speaker Tony Robbins addresses in his seminars. You might have already heard of one way he does this: Robbins has attendees walk across burning coals. Yep, you read that right. The goal? To teach people to overcome their fears and take the first step beyond whatever might be holding them back.

While some have criticized the practice, others swear by it. Even Oprah did it. Her walk — as well as an in-depth conversation with Robbins — was featured on a 2012 episode of her TV show Oprah’s Next Chapter.

“People by nature are trained, almost innately, to be scared of fire and to keep away from it,” Robbins says. “That is why walking through a pathway of fire is a powerful expression of moving beyond one’s fears. Walking over any hot surface does encompass some risks, but it has been done safely for centuries, and when administered properly can have enormous value as a reminder of what we are truly capable of.”

Related: Tony Robbins on the 7 ‘Forces’ of Business Mastery

So, it’s not so much about the act of walking over burning hot coals, but about having people face and overcome something in spite of fear.

“It’s simply a metaphor for them to break through their fears and limitations,” Robbins says. “If you look at what holds people back from expanding and deepening the quality of their lives, what prevents them from taking the actions that are necessary to transform their body, relationships, career, business or impact their kids, invariably, it’s fear — of failure, of success, of rejection, of pain and of the unknown.”

In his business seminars, Robbins encourages entrepreneurs to move past fear, in their personal and professional lives, in order to become more confident, productive and successful at everything they do. “Just like anyone can start their day with a killer workout, find a way to master a craft, find meaning in their work or create a passionate and loving relationship,” he says, “the secret lies in being able to break through the fear and unlock the limiting beliefs to create the life of your dreams.”

I had an opportunity to fire walk 11 years ago and it was an amazing feeling,although I do not think I really appreciated what it meant to achieve it.

Maybe it’s time to try the walk again.
What do you think?

The Non-Apology Apology

Apology-1The Non-Apology Apology.

The non-apology apology,which sounds like an apology but doesn’t really accept any blame.For example,”We’re sorry if this upset you”.Or “ I’m sorry that you don’t feel we lived up to your expectations.”


A good apology accepts responsibility.

It has no conditional if phrase attached.It shows people that the buck stops with you.

And then it provides real details about what happened and what you’re doing to prevent it from happening again.

And it seeks a way to make things right.

Here’s another bad one:”We apologise for any inconvenience this may have caused.”Oh,please.

Lets break down why that’s bad:

“…We apologise…..”If you spilled coffee on someone while riding the underground,would you say,”I apologise”?No,you’d say,”I’m so, so sorry!”Well,if your customer service is critical to you customers,an interruption to that service is like spilling hot coffee all over them.So use the appropriate tone and language to show that you understand the severity of what happened.Also the person in charge should take the responsibility.An “I” apology is a lot stronger than a “we” apology.

“……..any inconvenience…..” If customers depend on your service and can’t get to it,It’s not merely an inconvenience.It’s a crisis.An inconvenience is a long line at the supermarket.This isn’t that.

“…….this may have caused”The “may” here implies there might not be anything wrong at all. That’s a classic non-apology apology move.It slights the very real problem(s) that customers are experiencing. If this didn’t affect them,you don’t really need to say anything. If it did affect them,then there’s no need for “may” here.Stop wavering.

So what’s the perfect way to say you’re sorry?There’s no magic answer.Any stock answer will sound generic and hollow.

You’re going to have to take it on a case by -case basis.

The number-one principle to keep in mind when you apologise:How would you feel about the apology if you were on the other end? If someone said those words to you,would you believe them?

Keep in mind that you can’t apologise your way out of being an idiot. Even the best apology won’t rescue you if you haven’t earned people’s trust.Everything you do before things go wrong matters far more than the actual words you use to apologise. If you’ve built rapport with customers,they’ll cut you some slack and trust you when you say you’re sorry.

From Rework: Change the way you work forever.

Ian Williamson


Are you at PEACE?


Are you at Peace?


To find peace we must moderate and control what we allow our brains to take in.

We all use computers and know “Garbage in-Garbage out.

Change your brain-change your life.

Learn something new every day even if it’s for only for 15 minutes,this will keep the grey matter excited.


Keep the brain healthy.

You are at your best in the morning,use this time to spend 15 minutes learning something new:

Communicating with your colleagues in a new way,

A new cookery recipe,

Reflecting on yesterday and what did i learn.

Start a diary.

Understanding the depth of life.

Materialistic things do not show how happy or peaceful we are.

We do not have to prove to anyone how successful we are, certainly not by shouting out how big my house is,or how great my family is,or look at my fancy new car.


This is not peace.


Let go

I would much rather to choose peace and be happy instead of the above.

Even when things are going bad in your life we can choose peace.


If you take one thing away from http://www.MakeThingsHappen.cc/ you have already made the choice.


Being able to release and let go.

Let go of the material wants.

Letting go of comparing to others.

Let go,measuring your success by material wealth.


If you constantly want  materialistic things,this is what you will get.

Most people want more money,more love and more time.


Because of the want,YOU will receive the WANT.

Release old regrets and excuses.

Let go of negative and insensitive people.


Let go of negative news.

Stop watching the news.

Stop watching the soaps.

Avoid surrounding yourself with negative people and negative situations.

Accept CHANGE, and let go “ that everything has to stay the same”

Lose the belief that fulfillment is at the end of your journey


You write your story.


Recognise the roller coaster of life and that there are going to be ups and downs,Life is not going to be pain free.


From science research  you must start the day on a positive and release the negative.


Find new energy.


Start writing a journal.


As we work on our brain we learn new things,as we work on our attitude we see new things occur.


We start to see peace.


Commit to starting your day in the right way.

Listen or read something positive before you start your day.


Start each morning by saying “I choose peace instead of this”


You are in the right place at the right time,JUST believe it.


Start with peace and release some of the stress and mental anxiety.

So that you can find the energy for the new ideas to come through.


Take one thing away from this blog, Allow peace and Release the Negative.

Allow peace and release the want.


Use Peace And Happiness instead.

Ian Williamson


30 minutes of me time.

We are at our most productive and alert between 6am-9am.

Today I had my best gym session at 7am:
1.Feel refreshed
2.Gym was not busy
3.Had the rest of the day to spend with the wife.
It is very easy to make time for yourself just by getting up 1 hour earlier than normal.

Why not read a few pages of a book or starting writing your own blog.
Even the washing up from the night before.

Complete your worst tasks first,so that you can enjoy the rest of the day.

Before you go to bed write down on paper or your electronic device a small to-do-list.
Just 3-4 items,anymore and you will not complete them.

By doing this you start to control your day and create ME time.

My favorite time is sitting in the conservatory at 5.30am,hearing the clock ticking and the rain on the roof,reading a couple of pages of a book with no disturbances.

We can all do this if we are just prepared to get up earlier.

Use your alarm clock as an opportunity to improve yourself and lifestyle,not just to hit the snooze button because it’s just another day.

Use any available time you have to learn something new.
Listen to pod casts in the car instead of the radio
When queuing in the supermarket,send that email,pay that bill.

By utilising your time better,you create quality time doing the things YOU like to do:
Spending with your wife,
Project for work,
More time on the golf course.

It’s your choice to CHANGE.

I choose CHANGE.

Thank you for taking the time read this blog.

Ian Williamson

Please visit my website.


Start giving feedback to your employees.

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Feedback for your employees.  

What is feedback?

This is a 2 way conversation between you and your staff member.

On performance:positive/negative and behavior:Positive/negative.


Are they achieving targets that are set?


Do they have a positive approach to their job,are they arriving to work on time,are they team players etc.

Focusing on the behavior is much easier than the action.

For example:

Mary arrives late by 10 minutes to work,instead of asking why she was late,we say “Mary please do not be late tomorrow”then walk away.

What this does is concentrate on the behavior,which is Mary arrived late,this is not acceptable and,not the action of WHY!(because i couldn’t find my shoes and the car wouldn’t start).

Mary does not have a chance to engage you and now knows that arriving late is not acceptable.

If this is the first time Mary has done this,your approach should reasonably be light ,however still getting the message across.

If it was the third or fourth time,the approach would be the same but much more sterner.

This type of feedback is called “a shot across the barrel”

They now know what is expected of them and you have not had to go down the route of why!

If this behavior is still happening you may have to issue an informal action.

An informal action is a noted discussion:




Do you know what is expected of you?

Why did this happen?

What can we do help to stop this happening again?

An agreed action if this happens again.

Review date

Signed by employee

Signed by manager.

Using this form helps make an action plan with review dates.

Remember you are looking for change in BEHAVIOR,therefore if Mary was late 3 times a week and now its once,that is a change,ok not where you would like to be,however an improvement.

In your review in a months you will address this.

YOU must be committed to giving feedback and keeping to the reviews to change the BEHAVIOR.

If no improvement you have to go down the more formal route.

How do you give feedback?

If you have never given feedback before to your employee,You must give positive feedback first.

This must be done over a period time so that they can accept feedback.

Then you can bring in negative feedback.

Feedback by your employees first has to be accepted.

Giving poor feedback is as non productive as giving no feedback.

The best way to give feedback is by having one 2 one on a regular basis.

This works in two ways:

1.We can find out,what they have been working on.

What is going great and what is not going so well.

What their interests are inside and out side of work.

2.We can give them feedback on areas of greatness and areas where it is not so.

Set goals on development and where they would like to be.

One 2 ones do not need to be a lengthy process,between 15- 30min once a month.

If it is your employees first one 2 on2 this may take longer as you may have a few more questions  to ask to establish what their behaviors are and their needs/preferences.

Also to establish what behaviors are acceptable.

How do i prepare and perform a one 2 one.

Working on the basis that we need 30mins uninterrupted time with our employees.

The preparation should already be done by you and your management team observing and making notes on the employees behavior.

By doing this you are using real time situations which you can discuss and not hearsay.

10 minutes should be spent on what keeps them busy outside of work.

Here we can establish what their interests are and if they have any concerns that they need to discuss,which may affect their performance at work.

10 minutes should be  spent on what have they been working on?

What has been your greatest challenges?

How happy do you feel on a scale of 1 -10

What do you think the team morale is like?

What has been the greatest achievement you had this month?

10 minutes should be spent your feed back to them.

Any feedback you have observed,which hasn’t already been discussed with.

Whether they achieved any targets they set and how well they did.

Have they achieved their goals what were set from last month?

How well can i be a better leader for you?
Lastly a couple of minutes spent on what they would like to achieve in the next month.

To help with your ONE 2 ONE,ask your management team to observe your employees and provide feedback to you.

This is real time information which you can discuss with your staff member.

I use this feedback at the end of the ONE 2 ONE and it has a really positive affect.

By having a monthly one 2 one,you have a chance to praise great work and empower your staff,and also iron out at a very early stage any negative behaviors.

This is your chance to build a relationship with your employees,more important when it comes to their appraisal,there are no nasty shocks and you can concentrate on the positives.

Appraisals should be completed on a six monthly basis.


Thank you for taking time to read my article.

This is what works for me and has made my team ENGAGED & EMPOWERED.

Ian Williamson


5 must know words for public speaking.

An email arrives inviting you to speak in front of a group of business leaders, and you panic. You have lots to say and important information to share, but you aren’t comfortable speaking in front of large groups. Sound familiar? You’re not alone. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, 74 percent of adults suffer from speech anxiety.

So what can you do to alleviate this fear? We spoke with Ken Lindner, CEO of Los Angeles-based Ken Lindner & Associates, Inc., a broadcast talent agency and author of Your Killer Emotions (Greenleaf Group Book Press 2013), to learn how to overcome this fear and claim your place in the spotlight.

1. Have a game plan.
“Fear can paralyze you. Having a strategy helps dissipate fear,” says Lindner. If you’re afraid of consequences like being embarrassed or failing, it brings negative energy. Instead of visualizing negative outcomes or focusing on times you’ve been embarrassed in the past, picture yourself making a great speech that enlightens and inspires your audience, and all the positives that flow from making that speech, Lindner says.

Short-term benefits of giving a great speech may include educating and inspiring people, while long-term benefits may be more invitations to speak, being viewed as an expert in your field, and more business for your company.

2. Control your environment.
“You’re more comfortable with the home court advantage,” Lindner notes. Check out the location beforehand, getting a feel for the size of the space and the setup (whether there’s a podium, microphone stand, etc.) Lindner suggests having people in the audience that you know, with whom you’re comfortable, so there are friendly faces who can smile back or nod reassuringly.

3. Know your material.
“You’re the expert — it’s in your wheelhouse,” Lindner says. You know more about the topic than your audience, so educate them, Lindner says. People love to be engaged and inspired, he says. “If you talk about things you know and are passionate about, that resonates with people,” Lindner says.

Related: Richard Branson on the Art of Public Speaking

4. Be authentic.
One of Lindner’s clients is NBC’s Today show host Matt Lauer. Lindner says Lauer is likable because “he’s warm, he can laugh, he’s self-deprecating. He’s not scripted, he’s who he is.” On his show, Lauer has the opportunity to talk with people every day and show his personality. Speakers who do this well, like Oprah Winfrey and Katie Couric, connect with their audiences on a visceral level, notes Lindner. “The people who resonate the most are real and authentic.”

To do this, Lindner suggests thinking about the logical sequence of your message: the beginning, middle, and end, and the steps of how to get there. Don’t get bogged down with all the facts, Lindner says. Think about the message and what you want people to know. Having a general outline is fine, but be willing to go with the flow, Lindner says.

5. Know your audience.
Like a rock band that plays a different set list depending on where they are and who their audience is, a good speaker will know who’s in the audience and tailor their message to them. “Alter your speech so it resonates with them, and is meaningful and relevant to them,” Lindner says. Speaking at a live event offers you the opportunity to get immediate feedback and see whether people are responding to their message. Allowing for Q&A gives a speaker the chance to interact with the audience and be real, Lindner says.